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Social Media Communication

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You have arrived here having clicked on our social media icons link. At present and for the immediate and foreseeable future, the manner in which we conduct our business does not utilise these methods of communication with our client base. Our normal communication process is via email only and there is no intention to restructure our current communication processes.

It is estimated that there are in excess of 2 billion (3 billion by 2021) users of social networking sites as reported by 'Statista' including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube etc., etc. As a small 'Members Club' we have a responsibility to manage and control our memberbase in an appropriate manner for the benefit of our members. By excluding the aspect of social networking from our processes, we remove the threat of being inundated with queries, enquiries and social 'chit chat' to excess that administratively would potentially detract us from our core business. We vigorously defend our decision to continue to exclude social networking as part of our communication process as something that is not required for our purpose. In a short survey carried out, extracts of two responses are posted below, which sums  up our point, perfectly.

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“I spend enough time on Facebook (and Twitter for that matter), which invariably can be a waste of my precious time, as I tend to 'get sucked in' and end up spending way more time that I really need or indeed can afford to." ~ M Pope

"Please do maintain your current method of contact as it's perfect the way it is. Having an email to confirm that I am participating is great for record checking, if it were a text notification, I'd scrolling forever to do my checking and recording. Keep it as it is, simples." ~ C Gordon

Social Media Awareness, The Inner Circle Media Dept.

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