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Terms and Conditions


Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using this web site, you are accessing at the URL (herein after referred to as 'the site', 'the website' or 'The Inner Circle Club'). Use of this site constitutes acceptance of the 'Terms of Use' as defined below. These  'Terms and Conditions' may be modified at any time and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified 'Terms and Conditions'. You agree to review the 'Terms and Conditions' periodically to be aware of such modifications and your continued access or use of the site shall be deemed to be your conclusive acceptance of the modified 'Terms and Conditions'. Please visit the website frequently, to remain informed of all changes.

The site is owned by The Inner Circle Club whose mail address is:
PO Box 94 Hammersmith London W6 9PL
contact email address:

All copyright and other rights that are displayed and or subsist within the site are the ownership of The Inner Circle Club. Any logos and/or trademarks displayed on the site, other than those belonging to The Inner Circle Club, are the property of their respective owners.


By definition a client assumes the role of a 'Member' by registering their details either for our periodic service (Monthly, Quarterly or Half-Yearly information service) or by registering for our Odds2 (Pay-As-You-Go) Service (Associate Member - member by association). All members are bound by our terms and conditions. By use of the site you agree to our terms and conditions.

Members Non disclosure
You agree not to share any information that is divulged to you in any way shape or form, it is for your use only. Any 'members' (defined as those clients who make/offer payment in exchange for information, whether periodically or Pay-As-You-Go), found to be ignoring this request, will have their membership withdrawn and be served with a lifetime ban, no exceptions, it is  privileged information and must be treated so.


Right to Reserve

The Inner Circle Club reserves the right to refuse supply of services and/or products (which it may offer from time to time), to any client who does not adhere to the requirements of these Terms and Conditions.


Upon using any services or products of The Inner Circle Club, you will have deemed to agree, accept and abide by all of the terms stated herein. If you do not agree to all of the terms, you will be unable to use any of the services and/or products offered.


The Inner Circle Club reserves the right to revise, amend and/or alter the terms and conditions from time to time, at its sole discretion. Revised terms will be updated on the website, with the date of posting. The revised terms and conditions will take effect on the date posted to the site. Continued use of the services and/or products that the website offers, will qualify as acceptance of the revised terms and conditions.

Personal identifiable information (as defined by GDPR), that is submitted must not be misrepresented. The Inner Circle Club reserves the right to refuse services and/or products, if it is discovered that misrepresentation in personal information has occurred.


Members and General Allowed Use

All or any material displayed on the site may be downloaded, viewed, listened to (where appropriate), printed, copied on to the hard disk of your computer and used for your own personal, non-commercial purposes as a personal information resource. Any other type of use, will require the prior written consent of The Inner Circle Club.


In complying with the specific terms set out herein, you agree that you will not use the site or information exclusively supplied:


For the posting, uploading, emailing or other transmission of any material, the publication, dissemination, use or possession of which infringes the rights of any person or which is unlawful in any other respect. In any way which is abusive, defamatory or obscene or which will harass, distress or inconvenience any person or which might restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of the site by any person.


For the posting, uploading, emailing or other transmission of any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation or commercial exploitation (see 'SPAM' section below for additional elaboration).

For the posting, uploading, emailing or other transmission of any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, restrict, destroy, limit the functionality of or compromise the integrity of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.


To create a database (electronic or otherwise) that includes material downloaded or otherwise obtained from the site.


To transmit or re-circulate any material obtained from the site to any third party.


In such a way so as to remove the copyright or trade mark notice(s) from any copies of any material made in accordance with these terms or in any way that might bring The Inner Circle Club into disrepute.

To pass on to a third party. If it is found that information supplied for your own specific use is passed to a third party, you will be removed from our records and be excluded from all future communications.


The Inner Circle Club may publish any material you submit, post, upload, email or otherwise transmit to them at their sole discretion and they shall be entitled to make additions or deletions to any such material prior to publication.



We treat allegations of SPAM extremely seriously and therefore implement a 'Zero Tolerance Policy' where any and all cases of SPAM are concerned. Quite simply any breach of our ANTI-SPAM policy will render the offender excluded for our services and products with immediate effect.


Ignorance is no defence where SPAM is concerned - if you are at all unsure as to whether what you are proposing to do is regarded as SPAM then please read this whole section thoroughly or email us to check first.


If the further development of the website encompasses a requirement to register for a specific purpose, you agree to only enter your own email address in our registration sign-up form. Entering someone else's details is considered to be ‘SPAM’. Should this be the case your registration will be deleted accordingly and any additional required action will be taken.


Removal of Material and Cancellation of Access

The Inner Circle Club shall have the sole right to refuse access to any of the pages on the site at any time and for any reason, without giving any advance notice. Furthermore, The Inner Circle Club shall not be liable for any losses or damages whatsoever arising from your inability to access any of the pages on the site.


The Inner Circle Club shall have the right at any time and for any reason to remove from the pages on the site any material posted, uploaded, emailed or otherwise transmitted by you, without giving you any advance notice and furthermore, The Inner Circle Club shall not be liable for any losses or damages whatsoever arising from the removal of such material.

Copyright, License's and Permissions

The copyright and other rights that may exist within some of the material appearing on or in the site may belong to a third party. It is your responsibility to obtain any license's or permissions, that may be required to use such material and you agree to pay any costs or expenses incurred by The Inner Circle Club, which arise as a result of your failure to obtain such license's and permissions. You will be held accountable and fully responsible for your actions.


Intellectual Property Rights

The names, images and logos identifying The Inner Circle Club or third parties and their products and services, are the proprietary marks of The Inner Circle Club and/or their respective owners. Any use made of these marks may be an infringement of rights in those marks and The Inner Circle Club therefore, reserves all rights to enforce such rights that it might have.

Liability, Responsibility

The information provided within the site is intended as a data (information and facts) and an advisory service. Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, the contents of the site may reflect the opinions of the writers, they are personal to them and are naturally subject to change from time to time. It is your responsibility to check the accuracy of relevant facts and opinions given, prior to entering into any commitment based upon them.



The Inner Circle Club cannot guarantee that your use of the site will be 100% free from error and/or uninterruption and therefore, cannot be held liable for any damages including but not limited to, indirect or consequential damages, damages for loss of opportunity or chance or any damages whatsoever, arising from use or loss of use, data or profits, whether in action of contract, negligence or other any other action, arising out of or in connection with, any information on the site.


Some of the web pages of the website may, from time to time, include material posted by third parties. Individual users and advertisers are solely responsible for the content of advertising and other material, which they must submit to The Inner Circle Club for approval and to ensure that such content complies with all relevant legislation. The Inner Circle Club accepts no responsibility for the content of material posted by third parties, including, without limitation, any error, omission or inaccuracy therein.

Website Links

Some of the pages on the site may include links to external websites. These links are included to give users the opportunity to access other pages that may be of use or assistance to them. The Inner Circle Club is not to be held responsible for the content of these external sites.


You may choose to purchase goods and/or services or otherwise enter into relationships with advertisers or other third parties that you meet through The Inner Circle Club website. You understand that all and any such purchases, are agreements between you and those third parties and that The Inner Circle Club will bear no connection with that relationship. If you choose to make purchases from such third parties or advertisers or provide your personal information to them, you do so at your own risk and agree that The Inner Circle Club, will have no liability to you in connection with any such purchases or disclosures.


You understand and agree that The Inner Circle Club makes no representations about and does not endorse the content or accuracy of any information provided to you by any third-party. Nor does The Inner Circle Club endorse any of the advertisers products or services. In addition, you understand and agree that any or all of the information about third parties on the site may not be: correct, up to date or accurate. Although The Inner Circle Club may take reasonable steps to maintain the validity of the website content, The Inner Circle Club is not required do to so and cannot be held accountable for not doing so.

Viruses, Malware, Spyware, Malicious Code and Ransomeware etc.

The Inner Circle Club employs a number of security measures to reduce the potential existence of a virus or malicious code within the site. We employ HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) as the communication link between your browser and our server, whereby the communication protocol is encrypted using Transport Layer Security. However, whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the pages of the site are free from viruses, The Inner Circle Club gives no warranties that they are indeed free from viruses and users are responsible for ensuring that they have installed adequate virus/malware checking software for their own protection.


The Inner Circle Club website, excludes, in so far as it is legally possible, all liability and responsibility for any viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, restrict, destroy, limit the functionality of or compromise the integrity of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment or other material transmitted with or as part of the pages on the site or any material downloaded from the site or any publication etc.


The terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes arising from matters relating to the site, shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.


Use of the site by you, is subject to your agreement that any registration information and all updates of the registration information and any other information provided to The Inner Circle Club by you or otherwise obtained by The Inner Circle Club about you (personal data) may be processed by The Inner Circle Club for the purposes of:


Processing your requests


Providing you with information by email or other means including posts or SMS (if applicable)


Providing information about services of The Inner Circle Club and if appropriate other associated parties


Providing a personalised service


Maintaining accounts and records


Statistical analysis and conducting market research surveys


Assessing and evaluating the use that is being made of the site


Delivering to you services offered by The Inner Circle Club or any business partners.


Privacy Policy

The Inner Circle Club may collect personal details from users who register for the supply of further information. The details collected enable us to respond to user enquiries and obtain a measure of users' needs, interests and ideas for future web site development.


Registered users details will not be shared with any third-party organisations for commercial purposes.


The Inner Circle Club collects and stores information for our own internal purposes only. This includes, contact via email informing you about updates, changes in services and the latest information. The Inner Circle Club reserves the right to disclose your information as required by law, although aside for legal requirements, The Inner Circle Club promises to keep this personal information absolutely private and will not be released to any Third Parties, whatsoever, irrespective of the circumstances. Please read the full policy here.


Use of Cookies

Some parts of our site use cookies. A cookie is a small piece of textual information that is stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive.


Our use of cookies is intended primarily for your convenience. We do not retrieve any information from your computer that is not part of the original cookie sent by us. You may configure your browser to accept or decline cookies or to alert you when cookies are in use. You can decide whether or not to accept them. You are not obligated to accept cookies from us but if you do not, some of the functions on our site may not be available to you.


The site uses cookies for collecting user information and the data collected in this way may be processed in the same way as other data submitted to The Inner Circle Club for the same purposes.


By using the site and providing data you consent to receiving emails, posts or SMS regarding services from us and/or our chosen business partners and/or associates. This includes receiving renewals of any such services upon their expiration if appropriate but does not entitle you to demand any such renewal.



If you are dissatisfied with The Inner Circle Club or its services in any way, please email your comments for consideration to: The Inner Circle Club is not responsible for any damages or losses that may result from your involvement with The Inner Circle Club and its services.


The Inner Circle Club or any affiliate or representative of The Inner Circle Club will not be held responsible or be liable to you for non-performance of The Inner Circle Club services. Neither can The Inner Circle Club be liable for any damages, claims or losses incurred (including without limitation compensatory, incidental, indirect, special, consequential, or exemplary damages), however caused and under any theory of liability arising in connection with the following:


• Services

• Any failure, delay, or decision by The Inner Circle Club

• The use or inability to use The Inner Circle Club website


You agree and understand that in no event will officers or operators of The Inner Circle Club be liable for direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special consequential and/or exemplary damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use of The Inner Circle Club website or with the inability to use the site.



If any of these terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, the specific term or condition shall be severed and deleted from the terms and conditions and the remaining terms and conditions shall survive, remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.

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